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Its Not About the Hemline, Its All About the Heart

Writer's picture: Julisa HainesJulisa Haines


"Do it afraid". These are the words I spoke to my daughter Madison Wiesner, the owner and creator of Scouts & Co. boutique, as she laid out her business plan of her longtime dream. As she poured out her vision and the desires of her heart to create a boutique, she also shared with me her fears. Failure being one of them. I recently heard from an evangelist who speaks across the nation say "faith is spelled R.I.S.K." Yes, it is! I love the time that we live in, we live in the most innovative time right now. Apple is putting out an i phone every other week, something new is always being created, and convenience is at the touch of our fingertips, but yet we still fear failure. Failure is different to all of us. For some failure is rejection, for some failure is judgement, for some failure if it is not being immediately successful, if it is not an immediate success then it must be no success at all. We have lost the concept of what it takes to cultivate the soil, fertilize the soil, plant the seed, water the seed, allow the seed to break open and begin to grow, to pull the weeds, to continue to water for the harvest to come. It is a process. Don't fear the process, don't fear what you don't see. Just as the farmer does not see what the process is doing under the soil, he continues to work the ground, expecting a harvest. Is there risk.......ask any farmer, there is always a risk. As with any dream, do it afraid. I believe that whatever we put our hands to that we do it for God's glory! Each one of us has been created and purposed to bring His plan and His kingdom into the world. Whether that is being a boutique owner, a teacher , a nurse, a roofing contractor, a missionary, a cosmetologist. His word says that WHATEVER we do, do it as if you are doing it unto the Lord! Jesus Himself was a carpenter. I love the scripture verses in John 10:9 when Jesus says to his disciples "I Am the door" Think about that, Jesus says I Am the door, I Am the access way to the Father. How many doors did Jesus the carpenter build? How many doors did he fashion? He also knew ploughs, and yokes, and tables which he talked about many times in the bible. But the one that really gets me and causes me to pause is He also knew the cross. He knew the wood, He knew the nails, He knew the hammer and He also knew the R.IS.K. He knew it and He did it anyway, because He LOVES. He loves you and He loves me.

"Its not about the hemline, its about the heart". This is what my future daughter in law spoke to Madison as she was encouraging her in her new business venture. She had said "this is what my mom said to me when I was in high school". How we dress is an outward expression of who we are. As a photographer I love expressing that through my pictures! I love to look at people and their choices in clothing give you a window of who they are in what the person is wearing. His Word says that each one of us is "fearfully and wonderfully made". Clothing really is the expression of that. It gives a voice to who person who is in what they are wearing. We see in the Book of Exodus God's creative spirit as He is fashioning every detail of Aaron's garments, from his turban to his tassels. He also gifted certain individuals in clothing making "Tell all the skilled workers to whom I have given wisdom in such matters that they are to make garments for Aaron, for his consecration, so he may serve me as priest" Exodus 28:3, It is not about the hemline, it is about the heart. His word also tells us that "man looks at outward appearance but the Lord sees the heart" Having gone to Haiti on missions trips, it has brought me humility and joy to see the pride in the Haitian people on how they would come dressed for church service. They would come dressed truly in their Sunday best with the little girls' hair covered in bright colored bows. They were bringing their best to praise and honor God. Scouts & Co.'s heart is to do just that, to be a heart to women. To display Him in all that Scouts & Co. does. Whatever God has called you to do.......Do It Afraid, take the R.I.SK. He is worth it and He did it for you!!! God Bless you! You are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made and You were Born for Such a Time as This!

xoxoxo - Julisa

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1 comentario

Amber Haines
Amber Haines
08 may 2019

I LOVE this post so much! Madi, I am so proud of you and your boutique! Your clothes are amazing, super cute, and I love seeing all the new fashions your bring!!!! Can NOT wait to follow along and see where your new adventure goes!!! Love ya!

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